NOTE: This group completed in 2022. In July 2022, the group is being moved to small, agile teams addressing specific needs for digital production. Those groups complement the ongoing work of the User Resources Discovery Committee.
The UFDC Working Group is focused on three core areas:
- Ongoing development of the UF Digital Collections (UFDC), in terms of the patron/public interface, including access points by technologies (e.g., via feeds, robots, API consumers, etc.)
- Ongoing development of technologies supporting production for digitization and digital curation of files into the UF Digital Collections
- After completion of the new UFDC interface and rebuilt production, next step integrative technologies in terms of how the UF Digital Collections function in relation to our web ecosystem and overall operations in the Libraries
The UFDC Working Group meets regularly following agile/scrum practices for stakeholder engagement on technology development in UFDC Stakeholder meetings. These meetings provide time for full group review on development activities, refinement of user stories, sharing of standards and specifications, testing, confirmation of acceptance criteria and definitions of done, and other activities that bring together stakeholders, product owners, and developers.
Because the group follows philosophical and practical processes of agile/scrum, the group conducts many activities in a fast and flexible manner, focused on delivery. Thus, this group creates and manages rapid response teams to address specific needs. In addition to the rapid response teams, this group will also create and charge subgroups as needed for larger-term needs, as with the UFDC Technologies Subgroup.
Plan or Activities
- 2021:
- All work is focused on delivery of the new patron interface, to meet the minimum viable product (MVP) requirements.
- See the New UFDC LibGuide page for updates.
- 2022:
- Work will focus on iterative changes and improvements to the UFDC interface. Before the end of 2022, the group will refine the membership and charge to reflect the new status, with a modern system and the critical need for ongoing maintenance and development activities.
- 2023:
- The group and workplan will be updated following the work of 2022.
Membership, -2022
- Chair
- Todd Digby, Chair of Library Technology Services
- Library Technology Services’ Digital Development Team Representatives
- Cliff Richmond, Head of Digital Development
- Doug Gordon, Application Programmer
- Application Programmer, pending hire
- Julio Muñoz, Web Developer
- Dustin Durden, Web Developer
- Patron Interface Representatives
- Matthew Daley, Web Team, Library Technology Services
- Melissa Jerome, Project Coordinator for UF’s National Digital Newspaper Program
- Chelsea Johnston, Scholarly Publishing & Repository Librarian, Digital Partnerships & Strategies
- Carol McAuliffe, Associate Chair of Special & Area Studies Collections
- Moxy Moczygemba, Social Media Manager, Communications
- John Nemmers, Program Director and Curator of the Panama Canal Museum Collection and Curator of Architecture Archives
- Laura Spears, Director of Assessment and User Experience
- Digital Services & Shared Collections Representatives
- Ben Walker, Associate Dean
- Chelsea Dinsmore, Chair of DSS
- Laura Perry, DSS Production Manager
- Xiaoli Ma, Metadata Librarian
- As applicable for specific stories/sprints
- Digital Partnerships & Strategies: copyright, ethical rights, digital scholarship, and scholarly submission concerns
- Acquisitions & Collections Services: record inclusion in OneSearch
- LTS Web Team: starting mid-late 2021, UFDC testing, and integrating with the main site
- Conservation & Preservation: starting in 2022 for production workflows and validating trust in the repository
- Accessibility Committee, Usability Committee, and others as applicable
The Team formally reported to Laurie Taylor, Senior Director for Library Technology & Digital Strategies.