About LibraryPress@UF (LP@UF)
LP@UF is an imprint of the University of Florida Press and the open access publishing arm of Smathers Libraries. LP@UF engages in library publishing as a collaborative endeavor. LP@UF publishes scholarly, educational, and creative works, with an emphasis on promoting public access to scholarship and ethical practices in scholarly publishing. LP@UF complements the work of the UF Press to collectively contribute to the shared missions of the Libraries, Press, and UF. Learn more about LP@UF publications, journals, and resources for authors and editors on the main site: https://go.ufl.edu/librarypress.
Editorial Collective
The LibraryPress@UF Editorial Collective is designed to serve as a vehicle for insight and guidance on new publications and ongoing program development.
The Collective is charged with:
- Foster proposal development of new books built from the Libraries’ collections, utilizing the uniqueness of these collections coupled with opportunities supported through the UF Digital Collections for digital and public scholarship
- Develop and refine LibraryPress@UF operations and processes
- Will review unsolicited proposals when they meet twice a year (fall and spring).
- Representatives serve for two-year terms, with core, full-time LibraryPress@UF team members participating ex officio.
Original 2018 LP@UF Editorial Collective Charge:Â https://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00040577/00006/pdf
List of current representatives: https://librarypress.domains.uflib.ufl.edu/meet-the-team/