Description of Responsibilities: The DMCWG will develop collaborations, practices, and workflows that enable:
- Developing and strengthening campus stakeholders’ communications and collaborations in positioning the UF Libraries as a partner in campus-wide data management initiatives and support
- Aligning and integrating Office of Research, Division of Sponsored Programs, UF Research Computing, UF Informatics Institute, and UF funded projects’ outreach and training developments/outcomes in the UF Libraries Strategic Directions
- Developing a UF-specific DMPTool template for general Data Management Plan (DMP)preparation and dissemination
- Developing and distributing a campus-wide research data management assessment survey, focus groups, and interviews as needed
- Developing and promoting Data Management Plan (DMP) & Data Lifecycle Management outcomes for all (1) internal/external Libraries’ funded projects and (2) UF research community
- Assisting and developing funding opportunities for infrastructure & resources support for UFRC/UFIT/Libraries IT
- Developing and implementing data management education, training, and workshops in collaboration/connection with Office of Research, Responsible Conduct for Research, UF Research Computing, UF Informatics Institute, and other campus training/workshops
Report Due Date: An annual report is due to Pat Reakes by the end of December annually.
Working Group Role: The Data Management and Curation Working Group (DMCWG) has an advisory role.
Recommended Decision Authority: The Data Management and Curation Working Group (DMCWG) is the recommended decision authority.
Anticipated Date of Decision Concerning the Working Group Recommendation: Any date of decision concerning the working group recommendation is determined by the DMCWG.
Minutes: A brief summary of the working group’s minutes (actions items, decisions, assignments, etc.) is distributed to the DMCWG on the day of each meeting which is the 4th Monday in every month from 11am – 12pm in Marston Science Library, Room L136 or as otherwise noted.
Meeting Agenda: A preliminary agenda is distributed an hour to two hours prior on the day of the meeting.
- Temporarily Vacant (Chair)
- Joe Aufmuth, GIS Librarian
- Erik Deumens, Senior Director of Research Computing
- Fletcher Durant, Director of Conservation,
- Matt Gitzendanner, Research Computing
- Haven Hawley, Chair of Special & Area Studies Collections,
- Chelsea Johnston, Scholarly Publishing & Repositories Librarian,
- Michelle Leonard, UF Research,
- Hannah Norton, HSCL,
- Borui Zhang,
More information: please contact Sarah Meyer or Hannah Norton.