Employee Recognition Reimbursement Form Please attach all receipts to this form, along with attendance list. Payee name:* Payee email:* Payee UF-ID:* Date of event:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Event name:* Total budget:*Total Reimbursable amount:*List of attendees*Attach reimbursement receipts and list of attendees* Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 125 MB. You can upload a scan or photos of the receipts and sign-in sheet/s. Example of general Reimbursement Form Reimbursement Form example Please attach all receipts to this form, along with attendance list. Event to be remibursed Employee recognition Candidate Meal Candidate was taken for* Lunch Dinner Tip amount*Payee name:* Payee email:* Payee UF-ID:* Date of event:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Event name:* Total budget:*Total Reimbursable amount:*List of attendees*Attach reimbursement receipts and list of attendees* Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 125 MB. You can upload a scan or photos of the receipts and sign-in sheet/s.