The Collections Committee, reporting to the Senior Associate Dean Scholarly Resources & Services, makes recommendations for and assists in the coordination of the full range of collections activities for the Smathers Libraries. Collections activities may include, but are not limited to, developing collections strategies, determining selection criteria, reviewing acquisitions methods and models, reviewing licensing guidelines, establishing workflow policies and procedures, discussing fiscal planning and allocations, guiding setup and maintenance for discovery of and access to resources, and coordinating collection assessment. The committee serves as a hub for communication and fosters collaboration among areas of the Libraries’ responsible for collections activities. In support of the Libraries strategic direction of Creative and Dynamic Management of Information Resources, the committee is charged to accomplish the following objectives:
- Advise and make recommendations to the Senior Associate Dean on collection development matters, particularly as related to consortial and multi-disciplinary resources
- Coordinate and review library-wide collections reviews and assessments
- Plan and implement special projects related to collections, such as cancellation projects
- Serve as a vehicle for communication regarding collections-related topics to all library personnel responsible for collections
- Explore methods to communicate the value and diversity of collections to our local and global user community
- Advise and make recommendations on the functionality and features of access and discovery systems and tools
- Serve as a discussion group to foster innovation, sustainability, and collaboration amongst the committee members and those they represent
Committee Composition:
The committee is composed of the leadership team of the Acquisitions & Collections Services Department, the Libraries’ collection coordinators, and a representative from the Legal Information Center. The Chair of the Acquisitions & Collections Services Department will serve as the committee’s Chair, and the Electronic Resources Librarian will serve as Vice Chair.
Erin Gallagher – Acquisitions & Collections Services
Vice Chair: Sheri Edwards – Acquisitions & Collections Services
- David Carnell – Assessment
- Tara Cataldo – MSL Collection Coordinator
- Megan Daly – Humanities Collection Coordinator
- Stacey Ewing – Library West Collection Coordinator
- Jason Heckathorn – Acquisitions & Collections Services
- Elizabeth Hilkin – LIC Rep
- Ann Lindell – Departmental Libraries Collection Coordinator
- Ginessa Mahar – Social Science Collection Coordinator
- Raimonda Margjoni – Acquisitions & Collections Services
- Peter McKay – Business Collection Coordinator
- Ariel Pomputius – HSCL Collection Coordinator
- Dan Reboussin– Special & Area Studies Collections Coordinator
The Committee reports to Patrick Reakes, Senior Associate Dean Scholarly Resources & Services.
Useful links
- Collections Commitee Sharepoint/Documents (requires Gatorlink login – restricted to UF committee members)
- Acquisitions & Collections Services Department
- FLVC-Funded E-Resources