Assessment Advisory Committee Charge
The overall purpose of the Advisory Assessment Committee (AAC) is to support the implementation of a library assessment program that facilitates an evidence-based decision-making model and fosters a broader culture of assessment at the UF Libraries by supporting assessments conducted by the Assessment program, unit-level assessments, or project-based assessment.
The committee will:
- Serve in a consulting capacity to advise on study designs and implementation;
- Make relevant data, studies and methods available for unit or grant-driven projects;
- Identify tools that best meet assessment and statistical data collection needs;
- Serve as a primary resource for grant preparation; and,
- Engage with other assessment projects/task forces as needed, in an advisory capacity or potentially participating as a member(s).
Members will serve on a two-year rotating basis and may be reappointed by their respective Chair/Dean; membership for the AAC will consist of Director of Assessment and up to eight additional members representing branch libraries. Members will serve on a two-year rotating basis and may be reappointed by their respective Chair/Dean; membership for the AAC will consist of Director of Assessment and up to eight additional members representing branch libraries, LIC and HSCL, and other library support units as requested by the Deans or the unit Chair.
Membership for 2023-2024
- Laura Spears (Chair)
- Jane Barnwell (ex officio)
- Amy Buhler (2023-2025)
- David Carnell (2023-2025)
- Michael Dietz (2022-2024)
- Doug Kiker (2023-2025)
- Hannah Norton (2023-2025)
- Christy Shorey (2023-2024)
- Patty Takacs (2023-2025)
The AAC reports through the Director of Assessment and User Experience to the Associate Dean for Academic Support Services.